The actor recently took to his Instagram, and shared a video of himself in which he could be seen in the company of a monkey. The female monkey can be seen peacefully sleeping on his chest as the actor captured the video on his phone.
He shared in the video that he was recording the footage at an abandoned palace near Mysuru. The palatial property was inside a jungle, and Atul was just relaxing after lunch when the female monkey walked up to him for a “siesta”.
He wrote in the caption, “Trust of a wild being is the best trust. She was silently observing me for the last 3,4 days. And today she decided I’m worth her trust”.
Meanwhile, ‘Bandish Bandits’ also stars Ritwik Bhowmik, Shreya Chaudhary, Naseeruddin Shah and Sheeba Chaddha.
The series is created by Amritpal Singh Bindra and Anand Tiwari, who is known for ‘Go Goa Gone’ and ‘Bad Newz’. It explores the debate of music being a discipline versus a means of liberation.
The show is produced by Still & Still Moving Pictures and directed by Anand Tiwari from a script written by Bindra, Tiwari and Lara Chandni. The show is available to stream on Prime Video.
Earlier, Atul’s co-actor from the show, Ritwik said that even after season one ended, they never stopped training for music.
He said, “I continued working with our coach, Akshat, daily until season two. About 3–4 months before filming began, we reworked the training program, even though we didn’t know what the new season or album would entail. Akshat and I started rehearsals well before we read the script or stepped on set”.
The show streams on Prime Video.