Accusing former Delhi Chief Minister Kejriwal and the AAP government of harassing slum dwellers by not giving houses built during the Congress government's tenure, to them after demolishing their shanties and collecting application money of Rs 70,000 – Rs 1 lakh, Verma said, “The new BJP government will give keys of 8,000 flats that are awaiting allotment, to slum dwellers in Delhi.”
Presenting slum dwellers from Bharti Nagar camp before media persons, Verma said the AAP government had failed to hand over even the ready-for-delivery pucca houses to beneficiaries despite collecting money from them.
“Kejriwal failed to hand over keys of about 8,000 flats ready in areas like Savda Ghevra and Baprola,” he said, accusing the former Chief Minister of building a 'Sheesh Mahal' for himself by demolishing five bungalows but refusing to hand over pucca houses to the poor.
Verma, son of former Chief Minister Sahib Singh Verma, also alleged that in the past two years all demolitions of slums were done on the instructions of the AAP which is in power in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi. “They did not even give houses to victims,” he said.
“The demolitions were undertaken at Kushak Nallah, Silver Oak Park and Delhi Gate. Instead of pulling down mountains of garbage, Kejriwal started razing shanties in those wards where the councillors were also from the AAP,” he said, pointing to the anger vented by resident of slums in Kidwai Nagar against Kejriwal on Sunday.
Uma, a slum dweller from Bharti Nagar in New Delhi constituency, said she has been waiting for 10 years for allotment of a pucca house.
“Every time we go to enquire about the fate of our application, we are told that it would be done in two-three months. When we go to them to enquire, they keep telling us to wait. They say vote for us one more time and we will get you a pucca house,” said Uma.
Verma said Kejriwal should now keep his word of not fighting the coming election as he has been lying blatantly over demolition of slums and spreading lies that the BJP will raze shanties.
“An RTI application has revealed that 8,000 flats for the slum dwellers were built during the Congress government’s tenure, but the AAP government failed to hand over the keys to them,” he said.
"The victims of AAP’s criminal acts include Dalits, disabled and widows," Verma said, calling Kejriwal an anti-Dalit politician who loves to paste a poster of B.R. Ambedkar on his office wall for optics.
On Jat reservation in the Central OBC list, Verma said Kejriwal was responsible for the AAP government’s failure to get a resolution passed on Jat reservation in Delhi Assembly and send it to the Centre.
He also said that the AAP had pressed 50 Punjab MLAs into service for the party's campaign in Delhi. “Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann wants the AAP to win in Delhi as he knows that if the party loses the Delhi election, Kejriwal will come to his state and become its chief minister,” he claimed.