Speaking to on Thursday, Dubey questioned the BJP’s approach, saying, “The BJP is not only questioning Arvind Kejriwal but also the competence of its own Home Minister. Where is Union Home Minister Amit Shah when such serious claims are being made? If the BJP has evidence, they should present it, and appropriate action must follow.”
Dubey also addressed claims by AAP Rajya Sabha MP, Sanjay Singh, who accused the BJP’s Parvesh Verma of distributing money and goods even as the Model Code of Conduct is in force ahead of the February 5 Assembly elections in the national Capital.
Dubey criticised the Election Commission of India's (ECI) silence on the issue despite repeated complaints by the AAP.
"The ECI’s silence raises serious questions about the fairness of our elections. All political parties should demand answers," he said.
The Congress leader didn’t hold back in criticising the situation in the national Capital further, suggesting that both AAP and BJP were guilty of political missteps, urging them to work together for more transparent elections.
“Both the BJP and AAP are misusing their resources. The AAP, just like the BJP, is in power in Delhi and must be held accountable for misusing government resources," he added.
Dubey also reacted on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s anticipated visit to the Maha Kumbh Mela in February.
"While the Constitution guarantees everyone the freedom to practice their religion, we must ask: What is the real motive behind these visits? Is it to influence voters in Delhi?" he questioned.
Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Amit Shah is set to attend the Kumbh Mela on January 27, where he will take a holy dip and perform Ganga Puja.
President Murmu is scheduled to attend major events in Prayagraj on February 10 and Vice President Dhankhar will visit on February 1.
Security and administrative measures are being ramped up to ensure the smooth visit of these leaders during the religious gathering.